
Saturday, November 2, 2013

New goodness on eBay & Etsy this week!

This week was all about attacking my backlog of smalls - you know, the smaller and/or less valuable items that find their way home with me but tend to get put on the back back burner in favor of listing bigger and/or more valuable items. Instead of boxing them all up to carry them to the new upstairs office, I decided to just get them listed - and I made a decent dent, if I do say so myself! Of course I didn't get ALL of them done, but hey, progress is progress! I imagine I'll have more to show you next week too, if all goes according to plan...

I listed some things at auction on eBay, some things at fixed price on eBay, and some things on Etsy - too much to show you everything here, so I'll just show you a few of my favorites. If you want to see everything just click on over, those links will take you there!


  1. Looks like you've been busy! Lots of neat stuff too! I need to broaden my horizons and look for more unique things like you've got. I just never know or can tell if something will sell or not and I don't have lots of storage space. Thanks for sharing! ~~Pam

  2. Hey Pamela, I do like to pick up stuff that I think is different or that I don't see all of the time - sometimes it works out and the stuff is worth something, sometimes apparently I am the only person who thought it was cool! lol When you are selling online, you know that there will be a lot of the more common stuff already there that you will have to compete with, so it is worth it to take chances on more unusual things, at least to me...
