Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I need YOUR help! - The Vintage Goodness blog, 2014 and beyond...

Hi everyone! I've been thinking about the blog lately, and what I would like to do with it in 2014. With the new antique mall booth project, and the responses I got on my last post about it telling me there are folks out there who dig hearing about the "nuts and bolts" of it all, I'm wondering - would you all like to see more posts about the selling side of things in general?

I used to do posts about selling here, as well as on the blog for The Vintage List and another blog I started a couple years ago that was actually focused on the selling side of things. I enjoy sharing that kind of information, but decided that maintaining two separate blogs was more than I had time to handle. Since then I've not done much writing that is focused on selling - what I would like to know is, would you all like to see me add that as a category here on the Vintage Goodness blog?

I know I have a lot of fellow vintage sellers as readers, and I know that I also have readers that are buyers / collectors only. Can I craft content for both segments of readers, here in one place, and make it work? What do you all think? Leave a comment on this post - I'm wide open to your honest opinions and ideas!


Pamela Wade said...

I'd love to hear anything you have to say about selling! I love to read others posts on the neat things they find and what they sell! ~~Pam

cobayley said...

I'm your newest follower Mitzi..I cannot believe I haven't been a your vintage!! But you knew that!!

Mitzi - Vintage Goodness said...

Thank you for your long and insightful comment Michael, I appreciate it! And wow would I love to visit your resort sometime - it sounds fab! :)

Jennifer said...

Did someone say "resort fieldtrip"? to Branson? I'm in!
And, yes, Mitzi, I vote for learning more...

Becky said...

I can always learn more. And you are dern good at what you do. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I like to see photos of your booth. I went and bought one of the paintings.

Mitzi - Vintage Goodness said...

Oh very cool, glad you were able to swing in! :D