
Monday, April 19, 2010

Vintage 1970's Wallpaper Samples - YUM.

I had a *great* weekend out at the sales - I found so much cool stuff, I can't wait to show it to you once I have it all listed! One thing I found and listed last night I have to go ahead and show you now, because it really does deserve its own post - it is a sample book of vintage vinyl wallpaper. There is no date on it, but I would guess from the papers that it is from the 70's.

It has dozens of papers, in all kinds of patterns - including a few that are metallic! I think the previous owner was using it for craft projects, some of the pages are cut and some are loose, but the majority are there and unharmed. It is great as a reference too - you just don't see this kind of thing every day!

Ok, let's look at some of the papers - you might want to grab a bib, it's a little hard not to drool looking at these... ;) Click to enlarge!

Of course this isn't all of the papers in the book, it is just a sampling - if you want to see them all you will just have to place a bid! ;)

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  1. One of my favorite finds EVER was a vintage book of wall paper. Love the large florals of the 70's!

  2. Does it have metallic paper with flocking? That's what I had in my BEAUTIFUL purple and gold bathroom contrasting with stunning white wainscoting and fixtures. Wish I had a sample to show off...sigh.

  3. FANTASTIC! I so want a pink retro kitchen, and I will be dreaming of those those wallpapers.

  4. oh YEA! Great find! THese are really neat, and could be used for so many neat projects. It's neat, you can see some of them resurfacing, like the black and white flower print, or fleur de lie, is it? haha. I love that stuff.

  5. Thats amazing! You can scan those in and use them as blog backgrounds. I especially like the one with the little fruits. I went to an estate sale where the whole house had metallic wallpaper. It was so Groovy!

  6. Holy retro wallpaper, batman - those are COOL! I think one of those used to be in the downstairs bathroom of the house I grew up in. Weird how you can love something and it gives you a pang in the heart at the same time...


    I have entered a contest to win a walk-on role on the retro-licious show "Mad Men".

    If you would take two seconds to vote for me, I would really appreciate it. Just go to my blog, or use this link to go straight to my photo page.

    Thanks a bunch!

  7. Hello, do you mind if I use one of the photos of your wallpaper here (linking back to this blog post of course) in a post I am writing about Sonic Wallpapers? (A project I'm working on involving imagination, sound, and MoDA's collection of vintage wallpapers). The image I wanted to use on the project blog is the one of the slightly military wallpaper in green, blue and white.

  8. Sure Felicity, post a link here when it is up so we can all check it out :)
