
Friday, April 16, 2010

New auctions? Why, yes indeed!

I haven't had much to list at auction the last couple of weeks - sale season took its sweet time gearing up this year, and I am most definitely at the bottom of the barrel as far as my "to be listed" shelves are concerned... But, I have scored a few new things, and this weekend is shaping up to be the first really great shopping weekend of the season - so expect more new goodness soon!

On a side note, the "stores to core" change on eBay isn't shaping up to be all that... I had great luck in March moving store items to fixed price and making sales - but once *everything* from *everyone* got moved to fixed price sales have dipped. A lot. So I am thinking that my "I won't need to run so many auctions" theory could be dead in the water... time will tell! (I'm not the only vintage seller reporting a drop in sales for April either - apparently it is a pretty universal plight...)

Ok, on to the goodies! ;)

There's more, as always... click on over if you want to check out the rest! :)

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  1. We could so be friends! We like a lot of the same things!

  2. Boy does that black lunch box ever remind me of my dad!
