
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Vintage 70's Clackers Toy + Garage Sale Photos!

(Note: The Clackers are SOLD now - sorry!)

I'm multi tasking with this post, if you will forgive my laziness... ;)

First, I was digging through a filing cabinet earlier today and came across these:

Never opened, still in their original packaging Win Industries Clackers from 1971! I found them a while back and listed them on eBay, but the listing got pulled because they are a recalled toy - apparently kids were banging themselves up pretty good with them back in the day!

Anyway, if you want them drop me an email at - the first person to email me gets them for $20 plus shipping! (My Gmail has been down all day, by the way, so it could take a little while for me to see your email...)

Next, I've been working hard the last couple of weeks getting ready to have a garage sale with my parents at their place - as most of you probably know it is a TON of work! I finally finished up today and snapped a few photos (click to enlarge):

As you can see, TONS of STUFF! Here is the Craig's List ad I just posted, if you are in the Columbus Ohio area you need to come shop! :)

Oh and before I go, I still don't have the newsletter done - there was a glitch and I lost part of what I had done that I now have to go in and re-do, and I've been too busy this week so far to get back to it... I hope to have it out soon though! *fingers crossed*

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  1. I wish you lived close by. I clicked on the pictures to enlarge..awesome stuff. I adore the red cake sign..that one would be snatched up by me in a flahs....

    I LOVE clackers..oh my goodness. what a find girl.

    Hubby had been out of work for 19 months so right now I'm trying to be a little frugal...if things were different, I would have emailed you first, than commented,,LOL

  2. Wow that is a lot of stuff! I would love to hit up this sale :)

  3. I would definitely come to your sale if I lived closer. You have everything organized so nicely... I hope you do well!

  4. Oh how I wish I lived nearby! South Carolina is so far away! I'm drooling over all the items! I remember the clackers. My brother and I each had a pair. Not long after we bought ours they reported on the news they were dangerous because kids were being hit in the head with them. We had such caring parents....they let us continue playing with ours LOL

  5. God, we all had clackers in my family, and they were an obviously, hilariously dangerous toy. Yay!

  6. How is it you aren't keeping all of that stuff yourself? I love the little chair. My sis lives in Chillicothe, hmmmm....

  7. You've got some lovely stuff!! Wish I was closer!

  8. I agree with all of the other comments - how I wish I lived on the other side of the pond!

    I've just started up a brand new blog of my own, I'm inspired by all things that have been before so I think it may be to your liking...

    I hope to see you there :)

    Love Isabel x

  9. Thanks everyone! The garage sale was a success, we made a good bit and had lots of people :D Craig's List is the best place to put an ad up, at least around here - and I think adding the photos to the listing helped a bunch too!

  10. Those clacker toys were all the rage for a brief time in the 1970's. They were less boring than "ball in a cup" but more dangerous.....thanks for the memory!

  11. OH what I would do to shop that garage sale! Darn! Good luck!

  12. i've always been a fan of your etsy store and i wish that you live near by. i probably would have gone crazy with all the beautiful things you were selling at your garage sale!

  13. stuart road vintageApril 20, 2010 at 9:38 PM

    I would think I'd died and gone to heaven at a sale like that!
