
Sunday, October 31, 2010

Featured Collectible - Vintage Halloween Postcards

Happy Halloween everyone! In honor of the holiday, let's take a look at a Halloween tradition that has fallen out of favor, but used to be very popular - sending Halloween postcards. Like Vinegar Valentines, Halloween postcards hit their height at the beginning of the 20th century. There are thousands of vintage Halloween postcards still surviving out there - amazing when you think about it, how fragile old paper is, and how it is so prone to being thrown away... I think its the artistic merit of the designs on these cards that made people want to save them - let's look at a few, I'll show you what I mean!

I miss looking forward to the arrival of snail mail, don't you?


  1. These are so wonderful, and something that I would love to add to my collection. I just have to find some in my price range!
    Happy Halloween!

  2. These are so cute! I don't collect them, but makes me want to..LOL
    Happy Halloween!

  3. oh wow, these are great! I have never run across Vintage Halloween Cards before. I have a Couple of Good Valentines, a Black Americana Birthday Card and a ThanksGiving card, I should prolly take pics and post, lol. These are all great, I hope I find some.

    Great post and great site!

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  5. I love these postcards so much!
    I've probably addead about 50 to my favorites since the beginning of October!
    I miss snail mail too!
