The snow all melted before the weekend, so I was able to get out to 3 different estate sales! I considered taking my camera with me to snap some photos while I was shopping like I have seen some of you do, but I am not quite brave enough yet. I am scared of being yelled at and/or kicked out of the sale, which is probably a pretty irrational fear, but there you have it.
I went to the start of 2 of the sales on Friday morning, and then hit them up again after noon on Saturday when everything went to half off. They were given by my favorite sale lady Holly, I try to never miss any of her sales, they never disappoint!
The other sale I went to on Saturday morning, which was the 3rd day of the sale, and everything was 25% off. I don't usually bother to go to this guy Michael's sales until Saturday, he prices everything so high. I also don't usually go the last day when things are half off, because by the 4th day everything is so picked over not much good stuff is left to be had!
Anyway, here's what I picked up:

I love vintage cookbooks, and they usually bring a good price, especially the Betty Crocker ones. They are a little beat up in spots - obviously they were actually used instead of just stuck on a shelf - but I have high hopes!

How's this for an assortment of stuff? One of the sales had several old games, but I just picked up Clue. I guess we will have to try and play it and see if all the pieces are there or not! The plastic coaster set next to it is too cute, I love finding them when they have a little stand like that.

The orange pitcher is Anchor Hocking I think, and the vase is Haeger. The patchwork purse from the 80's I think is real leather, and will surely sell to a girl in South Korea or Singapore - those girls can't get enough of the 80's purses, it's crazy! The coffee pot I made a rookie mistake on - I didn't realize the cord is missing! I have to research and see if I need to try to find one for it before I list it. :(

The crochet purse I just couldn't leave behind, I mean look at that huge wood handle! The tin is really interesting, it is from Japan and this is what is inside:

Inside the lid are little magnets that you can move around. Also included were a few flash cards, and written on the bottom of the tin is a nice note from the teacher - "Please take good care of this kit and return to Mrs. Chu."

It's funny that I was just talking about how often I find old kids books, here are several I was able to score at one sale. The Corning dish I was really excited about, then when I got home I discovered a chip on the inside edge of the lid. I don't know if it was there when I found it or if it happened on the way home. :(

I think I have mentioned before my love for all things made by Ransburg, and I always pick it up when I see it. I almost passed on this ceramic cookie jar - the price was a smidge high especially when it has a few chips, but I have never seen one of these before except on eBay, so I just couldn't leave it behind! I may list in on Etsy in the new category I created there this weekend called For The Love of Shabby.
I also bought a set of Tivoli White Johnson Bros. dishes from the 70's, and a set of Boutonniere Taylor Smith & Taylor dishes. I've had some of the TST pieces in my eBay store for a while now, so I am debating on if I need to try these new pieces on Etsy instead. They are too adorable:

See? How could you not fall in love with those little flowers, and the aqua blue inside the cups! Awesome.
I love to see your finds. This time, I'm most envious of your Ransburg cookie jar, the older of the 2 BC cookbooks, the Clue game, and all of the children's books!!
Nice haul. I like the "picture" BC cookbook. Very cool.
That crochet purse is awesome! Love that handle!
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