Saturday, May 29, 2010
Hunting For Vintage Dishes - Audio Interviews w/ Kimbesa's Closet
The other day I had a great time doing a little audio interview swap with the wonderful Sally K from Kimbesa's Closet and Diary Of A Dishie. We chatted about vintage dinnerware, shopping for vintage, and our favorite finds. Click on over to listen to both clips!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Vintage 1970's Raggedy Ann Super Score!
I'm sure you remember me giving you all a sneak peek of the huge bunch of 1970's Raggedy Ann & Andy stuff I scored at an estate sale a couple of weeks ago. I listed it this week - and man did I get a shock!
I pulled out a lot of the larger individual items and listed them at auction, but the smaller stuff that I had multiples of I listed at fixed price with best offer. EVERYTHING sold in a matter of a few hours, to 3 buyers, 2 of which had Raggedy in their usernames. I'm tellin ya, these collectors know what they want, and they don't waste any time getting it! I was over the moon. (Of course, I immediately started wondering if I had priced the stuff too low, if I should have run them at auction first to see if there might be a bidding war, etc. etc. But I did very well, so I think I can rest easy!)
Here are the SOLD listings:
I pulled out a lot of the larger individual items and listed them at auction, but the smaller stuff that I had multiples of I listed at fixed price with best offer. EVERYTHING sold in a matter of a few hours, to 3 buyers, 2 of which had Raggedy in their usernames. I'm tellin ya, these collectors know what they want, and they don't waste any time getting it! I was over the moon. (Of course, I immediately started wondering if I had priced the stuff too low, if I should have run them at auction first to see if there might be a bidding war, etc. etc. But I did very well, so I think I can rest easy!)
Here are the SOLD listings:
The good news is that I still have a few odds and ends pieces that I didn't list - I'll be putting those at auction in a lot I think, probably Sunday night....
There are a couple bidding wars going on on the things that I put up at auction, check these out:
And a few things that don't have bids yet, but there are watchers so they should hopefully sell before it is all said and done...
And finally, if you haven't had enough of Raggedy Ann yet, I have multiples of these never used kits from Colorforms. Do you remember Colorforms? They were all that and a bag of chips back when I was a kid, so finding these unused is really neat!
I think it is safe to say that Raggedy Ann will go down as a 2010 Super Score! :)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
For The Love Of VHS
For about a year and a half or so I have been without a way to watch movies in my office. I put my parents as well as myself on the hunt for a new VCR this spring - finally my parents found one this weekend! It is a VCR/DVD combo actually, and they got it for a great price at an auction.
So all the VHS movies I've been collecting are going to be entertaining me while I work... Some people might snicker at spending money on VHS tapes - but you can find them so incredibly cheap out at the sales these days that it is pure folly to pass them up!
Let me show you what I have collected over the last year or so, then I will show you the VHS mega-score I got at a church book sale today - you will start looking over the boxes of tapes whenever you are at a sale from now on, I'm sure (if you don't already)!
So all the VHS movies I've been collecting are going to be entertaining me while I work... Some people might snicker at spending money on VHS tapes - but you can find them so incredibly cheap out at the sales these days that it is pure folly to pass them up!
Let me show you what I have collected over the last year or so, then I will show you the VHS mega-score I got at a church book sale today - you will start looking over the boxes of tapes whenever you are at a sale from now on, I'm sure (if you don't already)!
Just look at all this goodness!
Anne of Green Gables double tape sets - you don't know how much I love these movies! And Labyrinth? *swoon* Plus some great old movies - Made for Each Other with Jimmy Stewart & Carole Lombard, Charade with Cary Grant & Audrey Hepburn, and another Audrey movie, My Fair Lady.
The animated version of Watership Down, which I don't think I have seen (at least not in a long time), the version of Little Women with Elizabeth Taylor, June Allyson, Janet Leigh and Margaret O'Brien, the version of A Little Princess that I blogged about before, and Jackpot with Jimmy Stewart (I haven't seen this before either).
Probably my two favorite VHS scores ever - the boxed set of Pride and Prejudice with Colin Firth (haven't seen it - can't wait to watch it!) and an Ab Fab set. Love me some Ab Fab!
And then there are the Shirley Temple tapes that I scored at an estate sale last summer... Can you say movie marathon? Coming soon to a Vintage Goodness office near you! ;)
Bear in mind that I didn't pay more than $1 for any of these, most were considerably less. Who can pass up those kinds of deals?
Ok, let's see what I grabbed at the church sale today. It was end of the sale $2 a bag day - I fit 25 tapes in a bag. That works out to 8 cents a movie!
Little Men, which I haven't seen, Field of Dreams, The Full Monty, Jerry Maguire (I have it on DVD but it is one of my favorite movies ever, so I grabbed it), Groundhog Day, 9 to 5 (score!! - what a classic!)
Sleepless in Seattle, Say Anything, Serendipity (I LOVE John Cusack), The Private Eyes with Tim Conway & Don Knotts (haven't seen this but couldn't pass it up!), City Slickers, Fievel Goes West
The Carol Burnett Show (*happy dance*), Half-Baked, High Fidelity
My Big Fat Greek Wedding (I think I already have this too, but it is one of my other favorites of all time so I grabbed it), A Christmas Story (another all time fave!), An American Tale
Avengers boxed set (may put that on eBay), Around The World In 80 Days, White Christmas, Warner Brothers Collection (this one is more for Will than me, he is a huge fan), An American In Paris
Charade (forgot I already had this one!), A Farewell To Arms & Snows of Kilimanjaro, An Affair To Remember, and Gone With The Wind.
Whew. I have more than this too - stuffed onto shelves here and there around the house. I will have to get them all out and organize them for easy grabbing here in the office. So stay tuned, there could be a For The Love of VHS part 2 in the near future! ;)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
New goodness up for auction on eBay this week!
We managed to get a good chunk of all the goodies I found last weekend listed this week - but not nearly all! The Raggedy Ann stuff and the player piano music got put off to do this coming week. I didn't have quite as good a shopping this weekend, so I'm hoping to be all caught up with all the new stuff by next weekend - keep your fingers crossed for me! I tend to set lofty goals for myself and usually fail miserably - but hey, it keeps me workin, right? ;)
(Here's Milky in all her glory - never played with!!)
(I wanted one of these when I was a kid too - I just had to use the boring old regular oven...)
(I did have one of these - I wasn't completely deprived!)
(Very similar to my Raggy - only mine had red hair...)
(These need to go to their new home soon, having them here is killing me!)
(So cute...)
There were a few things I didn't really highlight in my other post that I got listed also...
(Yes, ANOTHER awesome typewriter! I've found 3 this spring - some kind of record!)
(Never used!!)
(Also never used! *swoon*)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
This weekend's scores....
I shopped til I nearly dropped this weekend - holy cow were there a lot of sales going on! I was posting about them on Facebook and got a request to show what I found. So I snapped a few quick photos - sorry for the poor quality, hopefully you'll get the general idea...
Will is not particularly happy about this particular purchase - can you say packaging nightmare? It's an old fold out sewing box, too great a score to pass up. We'll figure out how to ship it before we list it... On top are some old Atari computer manuals.
This weekend had a toy theme - which will become readily apparent as we go along. Friday I grabbed the vintage Hello Kitty, Eyeore, Mickey, and Daking hugging monkeys all from the same sale. (I had those monkeys when I was a kid, and this is now the 2nd set I have found. I didn't keep the first set, so suppose I'll survive if I don't keep this set either...)
The books are a set by H.G. Wells called The Outline Of History. The book with Woody Woodpecker is a Walter Lentz how to draw book - kinda neat!
I found this Raggedy Friday too - little did I know she was just the beginning! Under her are four 1940's yearbooks, and a BH&G cookbook.
The estate sale I went to Saturday had a TON of 1970's Raggedy Ann and Andy stuff, most of it still in its original packaging! I'm sure I've mentioned here before that my "Raggy" went EVERYWHERE with me when I was little, so you know there is no way I could have left all this great stuff behind!
More Raggedy Ann... *swoon*
Also at yesterday's estate sale I scored this... do you know what it is? Here's a hint.
Check out the Makit & Bakit oven I got - it has a ton of the suncatcher frames and crystals with it, including Care Bears! Behind it is an old Lite Brite. I'm tellin ya, it was a toys toys toys weekend!
Now this is a neat find - a box full of old player piano music rolls. I have to sort through them and see which ones are good and which ones aren't, but it should be worth it!
There's more, I could be here posting all day I bought so much! But, I need to get to work - this stuff doesn't list itself, unfortunately! ;)
Oh, before I go - there was one thing I would have loved to grab that I had to leave behind. For ONE DOLLAR I could have had a PINK vintage salon chair with attached hair dryer. PINK. One lousy dollar... *sigh* - I have no room, and no way to sell it. I hope it ended up going to a good home!
Will is not particularly happy about this particular purchase - can you say packaging nightmare? It's an old fold out sewing box, too great a score to pass up. We'll figure out how to ship it before we list it... On top are some old Atari computer manuals.
This weekend had a toy theme - which will become readily apparent as we go along. Friday I grabbed the vintage Hello Kitty, Eyeore, Mickey, and Daking hugging monkeys all from the same sale. (I had those monkeys when I was a kid, and this is now the 2nd set I have found. I didn't keep the first set, so suppose I'll survive if I don't keep this set either...)
The books are a set by H.G. Wells called The Outline Of History. The book with Woody Woodpecker is a Walter Lentz how to draw book - kinda neat!
I found this Raggedy Friday too - little did I know she was just the beginning! Under her are four 1940's yearbooks, and a BH&G cookbook.
The estate sale I went to Saturday had a TON of 1970's Raggedy Ann and Andy stuff, most of it still in its original packaging! I'm sure I've mentioned here before that my "Raggy" went EVERYWHERE with me when I was little, so you know there is no way I could have left all this great stuff behind!
More Raggedy Ann... *swoon*
Also at yesterday's estate sale I scored this... do you know what it is? Here's a hint.
Check out the Makit & Bakit oven I got - it has a ton of the suncatcher frames and crystals with it, including Care Bears! Behind it is an old Lite Brite. I'm tellin ya, it was a toys toys toys weekend!
Now this is a neat find - a box full of old player piano music rolls. I have to sort through them and see which ones are good and which ones aren't, but it should be worth it!
There's more, I could be here posting all day I bought so much! But, I need to get to work - this stuff doesn't list itself, unfortunately! ;)
Oh, before I go - there was one thing I would have loved to grab that I had to leave behind. For ONE DOLLAR I could have had a PINK vintage salon chair with attached hair dryer. PINK. One lousy dollar... *sigh* - I have no room, and no way to sell it. I hope it ended up going to a good home!
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