Saturday, January 31, 2009
My interview on RetroRenovation.com - how did I forget to post this?!?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Some of the newness at auction this week...

Monday, January 26, 2009
Tuesday @ 8pm - The AuctionWally Show - AVCOSA - The Antiques, Vintage & Collectibles Online Sellers Association

And Even More Vintage Costume Jewelry

This isn't all of it, of course... if you want to check out everything just click on over! :)
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Brand New Vintage Goodness Newsletter!
Anyway, the newsletter situation was one of the things that really needed addressed, so this week I took a careful look at it. I actually have 2 email lists, one for the website, and one for my eBay store. Both were being woefully neglected, but the website list much more so than the eBay one.
Well, once I took a look I realized that the eBay one I can set up to go automatically - so those folks who want to know the new things I have up at auction every week can get it, without me having to do anything... Not the case with the website list, that one I have to actually create every time I send it out.
So, here's my new plan: The eBay newsletter will go out automatically. The website newsletter will go out every two weeks, at the very least, if not more.
I have signed up with a brand spankin new email list provider:

I bet you are wondering what will be in the newsletter, right? Check it:
~ All the news about Vintage Goodness that you can handle in one email
~ Links to all new blog posts since the last time you heard from me
And most importantly:
~ Super Secret Content - That's right, I'll put stuff in the newsletter that I don't put anywhere else. Articles, links, photos, contests... who knows what it might be! You don't want to miss out on that, do you? ;)
Vintage Homer Laughlin Best China Restaurant Ware Dish Set - at Auction on eBay right now!
My favorite are the coffee mugs - did I mention how hard these are to part with?

Friday, January 23, 2009
Just Launched - AVCOSA - The Antiques, Vintage & Collectibles Online Sellers Association

Thursday, January 22, 2009
eBay Exec Usher Lieberman tonight on a special episode of the AuctionWally Show!

I've been lax on promoting our new shows on Talkshoe (Tuesday nights, 8pm!) but I am going to try to do better, I promise! I had to make sure you all heard about this one though - it should be great!
Here is Walt's announcement from his Examiner blog:
Love eBay? Hate eBay? Have questions about where this online giant plans to take its business model in the future?
If so, then you'll want to tune in to a special edition of the AuctionWally Show this evening at 5:30 PM EST to listen to a live interview I'll be conducting with eBay's Usher Lieberman, the Senior Manager of Corporate Communications for eBay.
As an eBay seller for 10 years, mostly of antiques and collectibles via the auction format, I've been impacted by eBay's many recent changes as much as anyone.
I've been up and down in Powerseller status and have gone from fanboy to critic and back several times. (Just see some of the back articles of this column.)
After an article I'd written in December, I was contacted by eBay and asked if I would be interested in doing an interview with Usher Lieberman. I of course stated that I was, but only if the questions were not fed to me by eBay. I indicated that I would be fair, but would have some tough questions.
I was told that was fine and in fact, they were contacting me because they wanted input from someone who had a lot of experience on the site, but was not just a cheerleader.
An interview was arranged. You can tune into the interview as it airs live, by going to http://www.talkshoe.com/talkshoe/web/tscmd/tc/25106
If you miss the live show, of course you can always listen to it, and any back episodes in the archive.
If you've got some advice or issues about eBay, now is your chance to do something more than howl. Come to the show where there will be a chat room set up. My co-host Mitzi Swisher will be monitoring the room for questions.
I already have a list of my own questions, but we'll take some of yours as well.
Thanks for reading.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Vintage Costume Jewelry - Finally!
I've been listing them at auction on eBay (with a bit of success!), and whatever doesn't sell will be moved to my Etsy store. Here are just a couple of the Etsy listings I just finished up:

I've also got some really amazing things up at auction right now, here's just a taste:

If you want to check out the rest, just head on over to my eBay store or my Etsy shop - and there is still more to come! :)
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My latest guilty pleasure - victoriporn.com

Monday, January 12, 2009
Vintage Decorating for Children's Rooms - 1971
The scans are a little small, since it is more of a booklet rather than a full sized book, but I hope you can get the general idea...

Really. Really?

I find the flooring especially interesting - "Note that the gay design is carried out in the easy-care, easy-to-apply hard surface flooring." It looks cool, but man, if little Suzie falls out of bed, she is going to get one good conk on the noggin!

I think it is interesting that the books on the shelf that don't match the color scheme are wrapped in paper so that they will... I like the idea in theory, but the idea of wrapping all of my books is pretty overwhelming!

I wish there was more, but most of the photos in the book are too small to scan in well, or are in black and white. Still, a fun little look into 1971!
Friday, January 9, 2009
Vintage Geek Gear!

I set up a store on Cafe Press and whipped one up - nothing fancy, simple black on white... but I dig it. In fact, I went ahead and made a t-shirt and bumper sticker too, for good measure!
If you want one too, just head on over to the Vintage Goodness store...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Country Home magazine to cease publication after March issue!

The decline of print media is snowballing at an ever increasing rate - newspapers and magazines are all struggling to survive these days. I guess it was inevitable with the rise of the internet, but I can't help but mourn it's loss...
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Mid century red chair set - to die for!

Saturday, January 3, 2009
Planning for 2009... Revised - or, remembering I'm only one woman!
So, here is what has been put on hold, until they invent in-home cloning technology so that I can make a few of me, or some other way of doing more things in my meager 24 hours a day makes itself apparent:
This is the decision that hurts me the most. I've shelved all Bonanzle projects for now - both my Vintage Goodness booth there, and my co-hosting duties on the Brainstorming Bonanzle podcast with Walt.
I just don't have time for a new venue right now - between eBay and Etsy I have all that I can realistically handle at the moment. I will still pop into the radio show when I have time though, it's too much fun to walk away from all together!
Figure8Jeans on BuyItSellIt
Selling plus size jeans is my new product line, and I realized that I don't have time to try to drive traffic to a stand alone website for it, at least not in these first testing stages. So I am making it eBay only for now - my Figure8Jeans.com url will point to my Auctiva storefront, where you can see all that I have listed.
I am also putting the Figure8 blog on hold - I am barely keeping up with this blog and The Vintage List blog, so adding another to my plate is, well, unrealistic. It may come to be in the future, but for now I am just going to maintain a mailing list, and go from there.
I don't know how many of you were in the habit of going to vintagegoodness.com to see all my stuff, but if you go there now, you will notice that it leads you here, to my blog. All of my info is in the sidebar here, so maintaining another page with all that same info seemed a little bit like overkill. Again, saving time is the goal!
What's Staying
Vintage Goodness on eBay - Our goal for the next several months is to significantly ramp up the auctions. All the inventory waiting here to be listed, with the exception of ephemera, will be put up at auction first, and if it doesn't sell, will then be moved either to my eBay store or one of my Etsy shops.
Vintage Goodness on Etsy - I will continue to list a variety of vintage items in my main Etsy shop, but over the next few months I will be focusing on costume jewelry and paper ephemera.
Vintage Goodness Too on Etsy - I will continue to list a variety of items in the "for the young at heart" niche in my 2nd Etsy shop, but over the next few months I will be focusing on the huge backlog of children's books I have here waiting to be listed.
TheVintageList.com - I am hoping to really grow the directory site over the coming year - stay tuned, either here or to The Vintage List blog for all the news and updates!
The AuctionWally Show - I know I've been slacking about updating and promoting what is going on with the AuctionWally podcast, but I promise to do better now that we are all set up on the Talkshoe network in our new timeslot, 8pm EST on Tuesday nights.
BooksFYI.com - I am still on board with the folks at BooksFYI, and will continue to help them with their online presence and getting books listed.