I had a great weekend out at the sales, the one that I posted the ad for was a good one indeed, and there was another good one going on as well! Thank god for Spring. I bought a ton of stuff, but forgot to take photos before I checked everything in and stored it away on the incoming inventory shelves... So I pulled out a few goodies just to give you an idea! (click the photos to see the larger versions...)

Goodies from the first sale... On a side note, it was a sale given by my favorite sale lady Holly, who saw me across the room and yelled - "Mitzi! We watched your radio auction end, good job!" I was surprised that they had watched it, Holly knows I sell online but her husband didn't, and he was the one running the sale where I got the Gilligan's Island radio.
Did I mention it sold for $506? To a guy in Australia who thanked me for putting it on eBay...
Holly's husband did say something about never speaking to me again, but I don't think he really meant it. ;)
Anyway... back to the scores...

I'm in love with the gigantic ceramic squirrel. He would be so cute in someone's flower garden, or bathroom counter, or... well, anywhere really! The pink bowl is Pyrex, I had never seen that shape before, does anyone know if it is a casserole dish, or a mixing bowl, or what? It has a lid, so I am leaning toward casserole...

The green floral dish is Pyrex also, a quick trip over to
Pyrex Love says it is called Golden Honeysuckle.

I finally found a great old fan! It weighs about 400 pounds, but how awesome is it?!? I haven't tried to plug it in yet, I'm afraid it won't work and I'll be crushed. Beyond belief.

*sigh* Can't I just keep it?

I couldn't pass up this vintage GE iron, it looks like it was never used and it's always a bonus to find something in its original box. I'm not big on ironing, so testing this to see if it works could end up being a big comedy of errors.

Photos cannot capture the total awesomeness of this ashtray. It has an over the top swoopy shape, and those colors are just to die for.

I've never bought hats to list before, but these two were just too cool to leave behind! Here they are close up:

It's like carpet! If this one fit me I would totally keep it, but my head is huge and no hat ever fits it. I tell myself its the price I pay for being extra smart. ;)

This one is all fuzzy and soft, and has the cutest little polka dot feather accent - too stylish!
Before I go I want to apologize for my lack of posts, I have so many I want to write but I never can find the time! I am almost ready to start scanning in my early 60's Better Homes and Gardens decorating books, I've read through them completely and there is so much I want to talk about! Maybe if all goes well I can get started before the end of the week. I have a couple Featured Collectible ideas also, so hopefully those will be up in the near future too...
Those items are fabulous I have a green squirrel a lot like that one but is has a little cup thingy. I think it’s supposed to be a planter but I keep my pens in it.
I love the squirrel!
The Pyrex bowl is like a serving dish, except it's a bowl :). They came in a lot of solid colors: pink, flamingo, desert dawn pink, yellow, desert dawn yellow, and turquoise. They also came in a few patterns.
Cool, so I should call it "serving dish bowl with lid" in my title you think?
Since I started working I found the same thing, I have no time to post , I just make posts about what I buy, I am trying to maybe open an Etsy store and I do not have time for that either!!! Just keep working and you will be successful!!
Wow did you ever find the goodies! I think the Pyrex is probably a casserole type dish. Very sharp. Also, I was liking the blue ridged bowl underneath it. Looks like some of my Hazel Atlas Moderntone stuff.
The squirrel is awesome. He needs to sit proudly on, I don't know, a desk or something. :)
Awesome pyrex and beautiful hats! Great finds!
I have the pyrex dish. I pull it out for all my casseroles and it works great for layers like banana pudding. I inherited mine from my grandma, Love it cause it takes everything and cleans up so easily!! Great find but if I ever find another, I would not sell it. They are so useful.
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