New Sections & New Stuff!
You might remember me mentioning a while back that I had an idea for a 3rd Etsy shop, but I was too overwhelmed with the thought of maintaining it. I thought about it for a couple of weeks and then had one of those Ah-Ha moments - why not just make a new Section, instead of a whole new shop? This of course led me to re-vamping all the sections in my shop (side note - when is Etsy going to let us have more than 10?!?).
The Coffee Shop - I love coffee - any of you who follow me on Twitter or Facebook are well aware of this fact. So, it's no wonder that my 3rd shop idea was one devoted to coffee - mugs, makers, pots, cream and sugar sets, etc. etc. - anything to do with my beloved brew! I added some fun new stuff to it today, in fact:

The Vintage Kitchen - Kitchenware is one of my true loves, and before I had it lumped in under Housewares. I tend to keep the majority of my dishes and kitchen items in my eBay store, but some things do end up on Etsy, and I wanted them to have their own home...

Ephemera Scrapbook - I am totally loving selling ephemera - it's fun, it's easy to list and ship, and when you save something made of paper you REALLY feel like you are saving it - so often old paper ends up in the trash!
The last batch I listed were these amazing 1960's Workplace Safety posters - several of them have sold already, but there are still a bunch left!

The Curio Cabinet - I created this section for all those little what-nots that tend to end up on a shelf or side table - pottery, figurines, candle holders, etc. etc. - stuff I can't seem to stay away from!

The Jewelry Box - I'm loving selling jewelry too - again it is easy to store, list, and ship, but there is one other reason I am digging it so much - I'm allergic! That means, no wanting to keep things, but having to sell them! It's like a breath of fresh air into my usually torn up, vintage loving soul. I'm so happy to be able to send the fun costume jewelry I find off to someone who can wear and enjoy it...
I've added a few new things lately, with more to come, of course!

Geesh, I'm wearing myself out here and I've not even gotten through all the rest of the Sections! Ok, let's do them in short order:
The Vintage Library - Books & Magazines
The Vintage Closet - Clothing, Purses, Accessories
The Craft Room - Craft & Sewing Supplies
Home For The Holidays - Holiday Items
Vintage Decorating - Wall Art, Lamps, Etc.
Of course Vintage Goodness Too, my shop "For The Young At Heart" is still open for business... I actually added an Ephemera section to it too, specifically for the adorable Good Manners posters I found - check them out!

Whew! I told you it was alot, but with that half-assed ending, I did manage to fit it all into one post... ;)
1 comment:
I love that vintage coffee pot with the creamer and sugar! Way Cool!
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