I got some outstanding suggestions for newsletter content from everyone who entered - thanks so much for your ideas, you don't know how much I appreciate them! Here are some of my favorites:
- How long have I been interested in vintage finds and what got me started
- What do I consider an "excellent vintage find" in several different areas
- History of mid-century modern items and designers
- Recommendations on price guide books - which are worth using?
- Featured vintage china patterns with history
- Vintage bathroom decor
- Vintage eyeglasses
- Garage Sale and Flea Market finds
- Links for researching items
- "Real world" places to shop for vintage
You guys really came through with a ton of awesome ideas! I hope to address all of these (and more!) in the newsletter.
I think I am going to try to send them out every 2 weeks, on the 1st and the 15th of the month. I'm working on a new format, using the ideas that were sent in plus a few of my own, so that there will be several "sections" of regular content in each issue. So look for the next on on December 1st, with all the new goodness inside! :)
I can't wait to read about all these interesting topics. I love your site and your newsletters!
I adore the vintage Christmas and have a collection of vintage ornaments that are lovely. Thank you so much for all the wonderful, wonderful things that you post.
I'm loving your blog! I posted a link to it on my blog. Keep up the good work :)
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